21 de Octubre.
trabajadores eficientes.
elegidos mejores profesores de Suecia de Formación
Profesional en 2016 por lo que ganaron un premio de
5000 coronas suecas (500 €).
Los alumnos del Gimnasiet aprenden fontanería y electricidad pero para aplicarla al trabajo real. El 90 % de los que se gradúan después de tres años, encuentran trabajo.
Después hemos visitado el acueducto y las esclusas que conectan dos zonas con desnivel. Un paisaje precioso que en verano está concurrido.
Podríamos haber hecho un reportaje de españoles por el mundo porque sus historias lo merecen, pero eso queda para los periodistas.
We started the day chatting with Cris, an assistant who works with children who have learning difficulties. They are highly interested in knowing how we organise the “Helper Student Program”. We have had several very interesting conversations with him.
This morning, it is Robert(our Diego, the principal) who takes us in his own car to visit the Gymnasiet in Åsensbruk, accompanied by Ángel. It is a very special secondary school, located in the premises of an old paper factory. The spaces are huge and, again, the students are not very numerous in the classes. Many are in practice.
We meet Kent, who is the vocational studies “teacher”, he believes in personalised teaching and the students he likes the most are the ones who are unmotivated and with personal or family problems. They raise their self-esteem, help them build social skills and how to be responsible adults and efficient workers, in addition to teaching them the art of plumbing. He is proud of their work and shows us an award which states that they were chosen as Sweden's best Vocational Training teachers in 2016 for which they won a prize of SEK 5,000 (€ 500).
90% of the students who graduate find work. The system is similar to our dual FP, but here, it is completely adapted to the pace of each student, both theory and practice. Individualized teaching is Kent's motto and, here, it is possible.
Afterwards, we visited the aqueduct and the locks that connect two uneven areas, which are very visited in summer.
After lunch in the canteen, we went to the Mellerud Museum and had dinner with Marisol, a retired Spanish teacher, and Ángel, enjoying a pleasant Spanish evening. Here bars close at 9pm.
We could have done a report on Spaniards around the world because their stories are worth a whole TV show, but that remains for journalists.
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