domingo, 20 de marzo de 2022

DINAMARCA - Frederikssund Gymnasium. DAY 0

Cuarta y última movilidad dentro de nuestro proyecto KA 101 "What's Cooking". En este caso, nuestros compañeros Darío y Margarita han puesto, hoy domingo, rumbo a Dinamarca. 

Al llegar a Copenhague, los recibe un sol cálido y acogedor que los reconforta de cara a la semana que tienen por delante. 

Ese primer día aprovechan para visitar la capital danesa, explorando algunas de sus bellas plazas y rincones.  

Mañana empezamos esta nueva aventura en el Frederikssund Gymnasium. 

And last, but not least, our colleagues Darío and Margarita have set off for Denmark, the fourh mobility within our KA 101 "What's Cooking” Erasmus+ Project. 
Arriving in Copenhagen, they are greeted by a warm and welcoming sun that comforts them for the week ahead. 
On this first day, they take the opportunity to visit the Danish capital, exploring some of its beautiful squares and corners, being pleasantly surprised by the warmth and friendliness of its inhabitants. One of the most pleasant experiences has been verifying that, when they hear our colleagues speaking Spanish, they have spoken in the same language to help them or interact with them.
Tomorrow, they start the real adventure at Frederikssund Gymnasium.

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